Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Science worksheet chapter 16

Science worksheet chapter 16

A. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. It is cooler on sunny days than on windy days.
2. Lack of rain over a period of time results in droughts.
3. Storms do not cause any damage.
4. Weather does not change from place to place.

B. Fill in the blanks with correct option
1. The change of seasons is the result of earth's __________________.
     (rotation/ revolution)
2. During summer, we need to drink plenty of water as we lose a lot of it while
    ___________________ (sweating/ excreting)
3. During winter ________________ (cold/hot) dry air blows.

C.Answer the following questions.
1. What is weather? Does it remain constant?
2. Why are mornings and evenings cooler as compared to the afternoons on sunny days?
3. What happens during a storm?
4. Why is lack of rain or too much of rain not good for us?
5. What are the major seasons of a year?
6. How many seasons is a year divided into?
7. Name the movement which leads to seasons.
8. What happens to trains and aeroplanes in winter due to fog? Why?

D. Match the following
                Column A                                 Column B
    1. Sunny days                            a. Clouds in the sky making the weather pleasant
    2. Rainy season                         b. Hottest time of the year
    3. Cloudy days                           c. Cloudless, warm and bright
    4. Windy days                            d. Dark sky
    5. Summer season                    e. Welcomed by farmers and children
    6. Rainy days                              f. Fast moving wind blows

E. Tick the correct answer
1. Too much rain causes
    a. drought    b. flood    c. thunderstorm
2. We wear sweaters, gloves, etc. during
    a. winter season    b. rainy season.     c. summer season.
3. Which of these changes every day?
    a. Season       b. Weather      c. Both of these
4. On cloudy days, clouds block the sunshine making the weather
    a. hot            b. pleasant           c. unpleasant
5. Which of these seasons is known as the monsoon season?
    a. Summer        b. Winter          c. Rainy
6. Which season witnesses the falling of dry leaves from trees?
    a. Winter         b. Summer      c. Autumn      d. Spring
7. Raincoats and umbrellas are used during
   a. winter season    b. summer season.   c. rainy season    d. spring season
8. On which day can a rainbow be formed in the sky?
   a. Sunny and windy    b. Cloudy and windy    c. Rainy and sunny

F. Complete the following web charts.

G. Unscramble the following words to get the correct words.

H. Define
1. Drought


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