Monday, July 9, 2018

Science Std IV Chapter1

Green Plants - The Food Producers

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. The process of making food by the plants using ______________________,
     __________________ and carbon dioxide in the presence of ___________________
     known as _____________________.
2. A plant uses some amount of the prepared food to carry out its ___________________
    while the rest of the food is stored in the form of ____________________ in fruit,
    leaves, stem or roots.
3. The main vein of a leaf is called the _____________, and the side veins transport
    ______________ from the stem to all parts of the leaf.
4. ______________ is the stored form of sugar.
5. Mushrooms and moulds are known as '_________________'  because they obtain
    nutrition from __________________ plants and animals.

6. _______________ traps the sunlight used for the preparation of food.
7. The food prepared by the leaf is called _________________.
8. Apart from food, ________________ is also given out by plants during photosynthesis.
9. Plants give _____________, ____________ and ______________ to human beings
    and animals.
10. Plants breathe through tiny openings called _________________.
11. Sugar is stored in the form of ___________________.

B. Answer the following questions.
1. What is chlorophyll?
2. What are the functions performed by a leaf?
3. Explain the process of photosynthesis with the help of a diagram
4. What happens to the food prepared by a leaf?
5. Write what happens in the following cases:
    (a) If you put a few drops of iodine solution on a potato slice
    (b) If you put a few drops of iodine solution on a fresh green leaf which has been
6. Give examples of plants:
    (a) having variegated leaves  (b) lacking chlorophyll   (c) saprophytic
7. Write a short note on how plants and animals depend on each other.
8. What are saprophytic plants?

C. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. The green colour of leaves is due to the presence of stomata.
2. The food prepared by the plants is called starch.
3. Stomata help plants in breathing.
4. A yellow leaf turns blue-black when a few drops of iodine solution are put on it.
5. Oxygen is also given out by plants during photosynthesis.
6. Plants breathe through chlorophyll.

7. Mushrooms and moulds are saprophytic plants.
8. The flat part of a leaf is called as midrib.

D. Tick the correct answer.
1. Which of these trap(s) the sunlight?
    (a) stomata  (b) chlorophyll   (c) both of these
2. Which of these cannot prepare food and obtain it from dead and decaying plants
    and animals?
    (a) mould    (b) cactus   (c) croton
3. A green leaf turns blue-black when a few drops of iodine solution are put on it
    showing the presence of
    (a) sugar    (b) chlorophyll    (c) starch
4. Which of these is known as the food factory of a plant?
    (a) Root    (b) Stem    (c) Leaf    (d) Flower
5. Which of these plants has variegated leaves?
    (a) croton    (b) mushroom   (c) cactus
6. Stored form of sugar is called
    (a) stomata   (b) chlorophyll  (c) starch   (d) phoptosynthesis

E. Complete the following web chart.

F. Unscramble the given words.

G. Answer in one word or few words.
1. The process by which plants make their own food
2. Name four leaves that contain stored food which you eat.
3. Name the grain which we boil in excess water and use its strained water to starch our
4. Substance responsible for imparting green colour to leaves.
5. Part of the plant which absorbs water from the soil.
6. Solution used to prove presence of starch in food.

H. Identify the parts of the plant and give their main functions with the help of a
    neat labelled diagram.

I. Define
1. Chlorophyll    2. Stomata   3. Photosynthesis

J. Give reasons.
1. Plants like mushrooms and moulds depend on dead and decaying plants and animals.
2. Leaves are called food factory of green plants.
3. Plants help to purify air.

K. Write an experiment to show the presence of starch in the potato with the help
    of a neat labelled diagram.

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