Monday, March 5, 2018

Science worksheet chapter 15

Science Chapter 15

A. Fill in the blanks with correct option
1. The earth is ______________ (flat/spherical) in shape.
2. The movement of the earth around the sun is called _________________.
3. The earth spins from _____________ (east/west) to ______________ (west/east)
4. The earth takes about ______________ (twenty-four/twenty-five) hours to complete
    one rotation.
5. Our earth is surrounded by an envelope of _______________.
6. The movement of the earth about  its axis is called _________________.
7. Three hundred and sixty-five days make a ________________.
8. The earth spins from _______________ to ________________.
9. It takes _____________ days for the earth to complete one revolution.
10. The changes in seasons are caused due to the earth's _______________. 
11. The _____________ is the only planet that has water in liquid state.

B. Answer the following questions.
1. Why is our earth known as the blue planet?
2. What is the shape of earth?
3.  What is axis?
4. What causes day and night? How long does the earth take to complete one rotation?
5. What is orbit?
6. What causes seasons on the earth?
7. What is the imaginary line about which the earth spins?
8. What is a small model of the earth?
9. What is the movement which leads to change in seasons.
10. What is a leap year?

C. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. The earth is the third planet from the sun.
2. The earth is flat in shape.
3. It takes about three hundred and sixty-five days for the earth to complete one rotation.
4. The earth spins on an imaginary line called axis.
5. The earth spins from east to west.

D.  Tick the correct answer.
1. The only planet where life is known to exist is
    (a) Venus    (b) Mars   (c) Earth     (d) Jupiter
2. The time taken by the earth to complete one rotation is about
    (a) three hundred and sixty-six days (b) twenty-four hours (c) three hundred and
     sixty-five days     (d) thirty hours
3. The earth moves around the sun in a fixed path called its
     (a) orbit     (b) axis     (c) crust    (d) globe
4. Revolution of the earth causes
     (a) day and night    (b) rain    (c) blowing of winds    (d) changes in the seasons
5. Three-fourth of the earth's surface is covered with
     (a) land    (b) water   (c) grasses    (d) gases
6. The movement of earth about its axis is called
     (a) revolution   (b) spinning    (c) rotation    (d) circulating.
7. What is the direction of spinning of the earth?
     (a) East to West   (b) North to South  (c) West to East   (d) South to North 
8. Time taken for the earth to complete one revolution around the sun is
     (a) 1 year     (b) 6 months    (c) 2 years    (d) 18 months

E. Complete the following web-chart
F. Unscramble the given words to form correct words.
1. RBIOT      2. TATIROON     3. AYRE       4. NEPLAT

G. Define Globe.

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