Saturday, March 3, 2018

Science Worksheet Chapter 8

Science Chapter 8

A. Answer the following questions.
1. Where in India will you find houseboats?
2. What are igloos?
3. Why are pucca houses expensive to construct?
4. Why do we need a house?
5. What are permanent houses? Give their advantage and disadvantage.
6. What is a temporary house made of? What is its advantage?
7. What is stilt? Where is it found?
8. Give three features of a good house.
9. What should we do to look neat and tidy?
10. Name some man-made fibres.
11. Name the natural habitat where an organism lives.
12. What is a flat?
13. Who lives in the following buildings?
     a. The White House  b. The Rashtrapati Bhavan   c. The Buckingham Palace.

B. Tick the correct answer.
1. Igloos are built of
    (a) wood    (b) snow    (c) canvas
2. Jute and flax are
    (a) plant fibres    (b) animal fibres     (c) man-made fibres.
3. Campers, nomads, soldiers and construction workers live in a
    (a) houseboat     (b) caravan     (c) tent house
4. We wear bright, colourful clothes when we go to
    (a) school      (b) a party         (c) office
5. Houses made of bricks, cement, iron, steel and concrete are called
    (a) permanent houses   (b) temporary houses    (c) special houses.
6. Nylon is a form of
    (a) natural fibre   (b) man-made fibre  (c) synthetic fibre  (d) both (b) & (c)
7. Tent house is made up of
    (a) wood     (b) canvas    (c) cotton    (d) cement

C. Fill in the blanks.
1. People living in hilly areas or in _____________ areas build houses with
    _____________ roofs.
2. Natural fibres are obtained from _______________ and _______________.
3. A _______________ is a house on wheels.
4. We wear different types of _______________ depending upon the
    _____________ conditions of the place where we live.
5. Many fibres when twisted together make ______________. 
6. Huts made of __________ and ___________ are cool inside in summer.
7. Kings and queens used to live in very big, spacious, permanent houses called
    _____________ and _______________

D. Match the columns.
               Column A                                             Column B
    1. Multi-storey building                            (a) A house made on long pieces of wood
                                                                         or metal
    2. Woollen clothes                                   (b) house on wheels
    3. Caravan                                               (c) Rainy season
    4. Stilt                                                       (d) Winter season
    5. Raincoats and umbrellas                      (e) Many floors

E. Unscramble the given words.
1. LOWBUNGA      2. RACANVA   3. ARNY       4. LISK

F. Complete the following web chart.

 G. State whether the following statements are true or flase.
1. Temporary houses don't require constant maintenance.
2. Jute and flax are plant fibres.

H. Define
1. Habitat  2. Fibres


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