Sunday, March 4, 2018

Science Worksheet Chapter 10

Science Chapter 10

A.  Fill in the blanks with correct option.
1. _________________ (Loam/ Clayey soil) is the ideal soil for growth of plants
    as it contains _________________ (rocks / humus).
2. The innermost part of the earth is called the _________________ (crust/ core).
3. ______________ (Slate/ Basalt) and _________________ (granite / marble)
    are examples of rocks found deep inside the earth.
4. ______________ (Crust/ Soil) is the topmost layer of the earth's surface.
5. Each rock is made of two or more ___________________.
6. The _________________ layer of the earth is hard and is called the crust..
7. Soil is formed over a very long period of time due to __________________ of rocks
    and minerals.
8. Soil provides ______________ and _______________ to plants for growth.
9. Plants like wheat and rice grow well in _______________ soil.
10. Soil prevents _______________ by absorbing rainwater.
11. Clayey soil is _______________ in nature.

B.  Answer the following questions.
1. What is the earth made of?
2. What are the different types of rocks? On what basis are they divided?
3. How is soil formed?
4. What does soil contain?
5. Name the three different types of soil.
6. What is the difference between sandy and clayey soil?
7. Mention some uses of soil.
8. What is water trapped in the soil called?
9. What are the contents of soil
10. Where can you find sandy soil most commonly - in forests, on mountains or in deserts?

C. Tick the correct answer.
1. What is the innermost part of the earth called?
    (a) Core    (b) Crust     (c) Soil
2. Soil provides us with useful minerals like
    (a) diamond and graphite    (b) plastic and metals   (c) silk and cotton
3. Very few plants can grow in
    (a) loam       (b) clayey soil       (c) sandy soil
4. Decaying plant and animal matter is called
    (a) minerals    (b) humus    (c) crust
5. The innermost part of the earth is called the
    (a) core       (b) crust      (c) craters     (d) rocks

D. Complete the following web charts.

E. Unscramble the given words with the clues in the bracket.
1. YALECY LISO (It is sticky in nature.)
2. TEWAR ( Soil contains this )
3. RECO (It is the innermost part of the earth)
4. MOLA (It is a mixture of sand and clay)

F. Complete the given crossword puzzle with the help of the clues.

1. Outermost layer of the earth
4. A term for diamond, graphite, etc.
6. Topmost layer of the earth's surface
2. Innermost part of the earth
3. A type of soil which is a mixture of sand and clay
5. An example of rocks found under water
7. Decaying plant and animal matter

G. Define
1. Humus 2. Weathering

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