Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Science Worksheet Chapter 14

Science Worksheet Chapter 14

A. Give one word for the following.
1. The vast open space which includes everything that exists as matter or energy.
2. The head of the solar system
3. The planet whose only natural satellite is the moon
4. The name of our galaxy
5. The natural satellite of the earth

B. Answer the following questions.
1. What is universe?
2. What does the solar system consist of?
3. Who is the head of the solar system?
4. What is a star?
5. What is the difference between stars and planets?
6. What is a galaxy? Give the name of our galaxy.
7. What are constellations?
8. What is the movement of planets around the sun in their fixed paths known as?
9.  What is a star?
10. What are planets? Give examples.
11. What are dwarf planets? Give an example.
12. Why is there no life on the moon?
13. What is 'a telescope'? What is its use?

 C. Fill in the blanks.
1. The sun is a huge ball of burning _________________ that gives us ________________
     and __________________.

2. Stars differ greatly in their ____________________.
3. The movement of planets around the sun is called ______________________.
4. The moon has rocky ____________________ and sand-covered

5. Planets do not ______________________ as they do not have ____________________
    of their own.
6. There are huge holes on the moon called _________________.
7. It takes __________________ days for the earth to complete one revolution.
8. The changes in seasons are caused due to the earth's __________________.

D. Tick the correct answer.
1. The natural satellite of the earth is
    a. the sun         b. the moon         c. Milky way         d. Saturn
 2. A system of stars which is seen as a bright band in the sky is
    a. a constellation     b. a galaxy      c. a planet        d. Pluto
3. The heavenly bodies which move around the sun are
    a. constellations    b. galaxies      c. stars      d. planets
4. The name of our galaxy is
    a. the sun       b. Venus      c. Milky Way     d. the moon
5. A group of stars which forms a recognizable pattern in the sky is called
   a. a constellation    b. a galaxy     c. universe      d. a planet
6. The movement of earth about its axis is called
   a. revolution     b. spinning     c. rotation    d. circulating
7. Which is the direction of spinning of the earth?
   a. east to west   b. north to south    c. west to east     d. south to north
8. The planet closest to the sun is
   a. Earth          b. Mercury           c. Jupiter         d. Mars

E. Complete the following web chart.
 F. Find out ten words related to the universe in the given grid. The names may be
     read forward, backward and across.

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