Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Science worksheet chapter 16

Science worksheet chapter 16

A. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. It is cooler on sunny days than on windy days.
2. Lack of rain over a period of time results in droughts.
3. Storms do not cause any damage.
4. Weather does not change from place to place.

B. Fill in the blanks with correct option
1. The change of seasons is the result of earth's __________________.
     (rotation/ revolution)
2. During summer, we need to drink plenty of water as we lose a lot of it while
    ___________________ (sweating/ excreting)
3. During winter ________________ (cold/hot) dry air blows.

C.Answer the following questions.
1. What is weather? Does it remain constant?
2. Why are mornings and evenings cooler as compared to the afternoons on sunny days?
3. What happens during a storm?
4. Why is lack of rain or too much of rain not good for us?
5. What are the major seasons of a year?
6. How many seasons is a year divided into?
7. Name the movement which leads to seasons.
8. What happens to trains and aeroplanes in winter due to fog? Why?

D. Match the following
                Column A                                 Column B
    1. Sunny days                            a. Clouds in the sky making the weather pleasant
    2. Rainy season                         b. Hottest time of the year
    3. Cloudy days                           c. Cloudless, warm and bright
    4. Windy days                            d. Dark sky
    5. Summer season                    e. Welcomed by farmers and children
    6. Rainy days                              f. Fast moving wind blows

E. Tick the correct answer
1. Too much rain causes
    a. drought    b. flood    c. thunderstorm
2. We wear sweaters, gloves, etc. during
    a. winter season    b. rainy season.     c. summer season.
3. Which of these changes every day?
    a. Season       b. Weather      c. Both of these
4. On cloudy days, clouds block the sunshine making the weather
    a. hot            b. pleasant           c. unpleasant
5. Which of these seasons is known as the monsoon season?
    a. Summer        b. Winter          c. Rainy
6. Which season witnesses the falling of dry leaves from trees?
    a. Winter         b. Summer      c. Autumn      d. Spring
7. Raincoats and umbrellas are used during
   a. winter season    b. summer season.   c. rainy season    d. spring season
8. On which day can a rainbow be formed in the sky?
   a. Sunny and windy    b. Cloudy and windy    c. Rainy and sunny

F. Complete the following web charts.

G. Unscramble the following words to get the correct words.

H. Define
1. Drought


Monday, March 5, 2018

Science worksheet chapter 15

Science Chapter 15

A. Fill in the blanks with correct option
1. The earth is ______________ (flat/spherical) in shape.
2. The movement of the earth around the sun is called _________________.
3. The earth spins from _____________ (east/west) to ______________ (west/east)
4. The earth takes about ______________ (twenty-four/twenty-five) hours to complete
    one rotation.
5. Our earth is surrounded by an envelope of _______________.
6. The movement of the earth about  its axis is called _________________.
7. Three hundred and sixty-five days make a ________________.
8. The earth spins from _______________ to ________________.
9. It takes _____________ days for the earth to complete one revolution.
10. The changes in seasons are caused due to the earth's _______________. 
11. The _____________ is the only planet that has water in liquid state.

B. Answer the following questions.
1. Why is our earth known as the blue planet?
2. What is the shape of earth?
3.  What is axis?
4. What causes day and night? How long does the earth take to complete one rotation?
5. What is orbit?
6. What causes seasons on the earth?
7. What is the imaginary line about which the earth spins?
8. What is a small model of the earth?
9. What is the movement which leads to change in seasons.
10. What is a leap year?

C. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. The earth is the third planet from the sun.
2. The earth is flat in shape.
3. It takes about three hundred and sixty-five days for the earth to complete one rotation.
4. The earth spins on an imaginary line called axis.
5. The earth spins from east to west.

D.  Tick the correct answer.
1. The only planet where life is known to exist is
    (a) Venus    (b) Mars   (c) Earth     (d) Jupiter
2. The time taken by the earth to complete one rotation is about
    (a) three hundred and sixty-six days (b) twenty-four hours (c) three hundred and
     sixty-five days     (d) thirty hours
3. The earth moves around the sun in a fixed path called its
     (a) orbit     (b) axis     (c) crust    (d) globe
4. Revolution of the earth causes
     (a) day and night    (b) rain    (c) blowing of winds    (d) changes in the seasons
5. Three-fourth of the earth's surface is covered with
     (a) land    (b) water   (c) grasses    (d) gases
6. The movement of earth about its axis is called
     (a) revolution   (b) spinning    (c) rotation    (d) circulating.
7. What is the direction of spinning of the earth?
     (a) East to West   (b) North to South  (c) West to East   (d) South to North 
8. Time taken for the earth to complete one revolution around the sun is
     (a) 1 year     (b) 6 months    (c) 2 years    (d) 18 months

E. Complete the following web-chart
F. Unscramble the given words to form correct words.
1. RBIOT      2. TATIROON     3. AYRE       4. NEPLAT

G. Define Globe.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Science Worksheet Chapter 10

Science Chapter 10

A.  Fill in the blanks with correct option.
1. _________________ (Loam/ Clayey soil) is the ideal soil for growth of plants
    as it contains _________________ (rocks / humus).
2. The innermost part of the earth is called the _________________ (crust/ core).
3. ______________ (Slate/ Basalt) and _________________ (granite / marble)
    are examples of rocks found deep inside the earth.
4. ______________ (Crust/ Soil) is the topmost layer of the earth's surface.
5. Each rock is made of two or more ___________________.
6. The _________________ layer of the earth is hard and is called the crust..
7. Soil is formed over a very long period of time due to __________________ of rocks
    and minerals.
8. Soil provides ______________ and _______________ to plants for growth.
9. Plants like wheat and rice grow well in _______________ soil.
10. Soil prevents _______________ by absorbing rainwater.
11. Clayey soil is _______________ in nature.

B.  Answer the following questions.
1. What is the earth made of?
2. What are the different types of rocks? On what basis are they divided?
3. How is soil formed?
4. What does soil contain?
5. Name the three different types of soil.
6. What is the difference between sandy and clayey soil?
7. Mention some uses of soil.
8. What is water trapped in the soil called?
9. What are the contents of soil
10. Where can you find sandy soil most commonly - in forests, on mountains or in deserts?

C. Tick the correct answer.
1. What is the innermost part of the earth called?
    (a) Core    (b) Crust     (c) Soil
2. Soil provides us with useful minerals like
    (a) diamond and graphite    (b) plastic and metals   (c) silk and cotton
3. Very few plants can grow in
    (a) loam       (b) clayey soil       (c) sandy soil
4. Decaying plant and animal matter is called
    (a) minerals    (b) humus    (c) crust
5. The innermost part of the earth is called the
    (a) core       (b) crust      (c) craters     (d) rocks

D. Complete the following web charts.

E. Unscramble the given words with the clues in the bracket.
1. YALECY LISO (It is sticky in nature.)
2. TEWAR ( Soil contains this )
3. RECO (It is the innermost part of the earth)
4. MOLA (It is a mixture of sand and clay)

F. Complete the given crossword puzzle with the help of the clues.

1. Outermost layer of the earth
4. A term for diamond, graphite, etc.
6. Topmost layer of the earth's surface
2. Innermost part of the earth
3. A type of soil which is a mixture of sand and clay
5. An example of rocks found under water
7. Decaying plant and animal matter

G. Define
1. Humus 2. Weathering

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Science Worksheet Chapter 8

Science Chapter 8

A. Answer the following questions.
1. Where in India will you find houseboats?
2. What are igloos?
3. Why are pucca houses expensive to construct?
4. Why do we need a house?
5. What are permanent houses? Give their advantage and disadvantage.
6. What is a temporary house made of? What is its advantage?
7. What is stilt? Where is it found?
8. Give three features of a good house.
9. What should we do to look neat and tidy?
10. Name some man-made fibres.
11. Name the natural habitat where an organism lives.
12. What is a flat?
13. Who lives in the following buildings?
     a. The White House  b. The Rashtrapati Bhavan   c. The Buckingham Palace.

B. Tick the correct answer.
1. Igloos are built of
    (a) wood    (b) snow    (c) canvas
2. Jute and flax are
    (a) plant fibres    (b) animal fibres     (c) man-made fibres.
3. Campers, nomads, soldiers and construction workers live in a
    (a) houseboat     (b) caravan     (c) tent house
4. We wear bright, colourful clothes when we go to
    (a) school      (b) a party         (c) office
5. Houses made of bricks, cement, iron, steel and concrete are called
    (a) permanent houses   (b) temporary houses    (c) special houses.
6. Nylon is a form of
    (a) natural fibre   (b) man-made fibre  (c) synthetic fibre  (d) both (b) & (c)
7. Tent house is made up of
    (a) wood     (b) canvas    (c) cotton    (d) cement

C. Fill in the blanks.
1. People living in hilly areas or in _____________ areas build houses with
    _____________ roofs.
2. Natural fibres are obtained from _______________ and _______________.
3. A _______________ is a house on wheels.
4. We wear different types of _______________ depending upon the
    _____________ conditions of the place where we live.
5. Many fibres when twisted together make ______________. 
6. Huts made of __________ and ___________ are cool inside in summer.
7. Kings and queens used to live in very big, spacious, permanent houses called
    _____________ and _______________

D. Match the columns.
               Column A                                             Column B
    1. Multi-storey building                            (a) A house made on long pieces of wood
                                                                         or metal
    2. Woollen clothes                                   (b) house on wheels
    3. Caravan                                               (c) Rainy season
    4. Stilt                                                       (d) Winter season
    5. Raincoats and umbrellas                      (e) Many floors

E. Unscramble the given words.
1. LOWBUNGA      2. RACANVA   3. ARNY       4. LISK

F. Complete the following web chart.

 G. State whether the following statements are true or flase.
1. Temporary houses don't require constant maintenance.
2. Jute and flax are plant fibres.

H. Define
1. Habitat  2. Fibres