Monday, October 22, 2018

Science Std IV Chapter 14

14. Our Neighbours in Space

A. Choose the correct answer to complete the statement.
1. _______________ is the seventh planet from the sun. (Uranus/Mars)
2. Mars is also known as the ________________ planet. (yellow/red)
3. Pluto is one of the ________________ planets which was earlier considered
    as a planet. (giant/dwarf)
4. The earth is the only planet on which water exists in ________________ form.

B. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. The earth has mountains, valleys, old volcano sites and many bowl-like holes
    called craters on its surface.
2. The earth's axis runs from the north pole to the south pole.
3. The region of the earth near the equator receives almost the same amount of
    sunlight throughout the year.
4. Ursa Major, Ursa Minor and Orion are some of the galaxies.
5. The hemisphere near the sun has shorter and warmer days because the sunrays
    fall directly on it.

C. Answer the following questions.
1. Name all the planets of the solar system in the right order.
2. Give information about the following:
    (a) Jupiter  (b) The sun   (c) Pluto   (d) The moon   (e) Mercury
3. How is the earth different from the other planets?
4. Explain the following terms:
    (a) Equator    (b) Axis   (c) Orbit   (d) Poles
5. How does rotation of the earth cause day and night?
6. How is revolution of the earth responsible for change in seasons? Explain with a
7. What is a star?
8. What is an equator?
9. Why is the earth known as the blue planet?

D. Match the following.
             Column A                 Column B
     1. Venus                        (a) Eighth planet
     2. Saturn                       (b) Dwarf planet
     3. Mars                          (c) Evening star
     4. Neptune                     (d) Planet with a system of rings
     5. Pluto                           (e) Red planet

E. Tick the correct answer.
1. Which of these is the largest planet in the solar system?
     (a) Jupiter     (b) Saturn    (c) Uranus
2. The imaginary line around the earth which is at equal distance from both the
    poles is
     (a) axis      (b) orbit     (c) equator
3. Which of these is the smallest planet in the solar system?
     (a) Neptune    (b) Mercury    (c) Venus
4. Which of these is the brightest planet in the solar system?
     (a) Earth     (b) Mercury    (c) Venus
5. Which of these planets is known as evening star?
    (a) Mercury   (b) Earth      (c) Venus    (d) Jupiter
6. Which of these is a dwarf planet?
    (a) Saturn    (b) Uranus    (c) Pluto    (d) Jupiter

F. Give one word for the following.
1. Number of days to complete one revolution
2. Smallest planet of the solar system
3. Planet with a system of rings
4. Groups of stars in the sky
5. Natural satellite of the earth
6. The largest planet in the solar system
7. Imaginary line which divides the earth into two equal parts

G. Complete the following series in which planets are arranged in increasing order
     of their distance from the sun.

H. Find out eight words related to planets in the given grid. The words may read
     forward, backward and across.


I. Define rotation.

J. Write an experiment to prove that rotation of the earth causes day
    and night with a neat labelled diagram.

Science Std IV Chapter 12

12. Force, Work and Energy

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. A pulley is used to ________________, lower or ________________ a load.
2. ________________ is done when force applied on an object moves it.
3. ________________ is the force with which the earth pulls objects towards itself.
4. Muscular force is the force exerted by our ________________.
5. ________________ is a grooved wheel with a rope or a cable around it.

B.Answer the following questions.
1. What is force? What changes can force bring in an object?
2. What are the different types of forces?
3. Define work.
4. How does machine help us?
5. What are the different kinds of simple machines?
6. What is energy? Name the various forms of energy.
7. What is solar energy? How is it useful to us?
8. Define atomic energy.
9. What is a wedge?
10. How can we generate electricity?
11. What is muscular force?
12. Name a part of the human body which is an example of lever.
13. Name two devices in which electricity from solar energy is used.

C. Match the following.
         Column A                              Column B
1. Screwdriver                          (a) Pulley
2. Can opener                          (b) Wedge
3. Lift                                        (c) Wheel and axle
4. Axe                                       (d) Lever

D. Tick the correct answer.
1. The energy released on joining or breaking of atoms is known as
    (a) atomic energy   (b) solar energy   (c) magnetic energy
2. See-saw is an example of
    (a) pulley    (b) screw    (c) lever
3. Which of these is not an effect of force?
    (a) Change in colour    (b) Change in size   (c) Change in direction
4. The energy possessed by which of these is not used to turn turbines?
    (a) Wind    (b) The sun    (c) Water
5. Which of these is used by plants to prepare their own food?
    (a) Wind energy    (b) Solar energy    (c) Water energy
6. Falling of an apple from a tree is an example of
    (a) gravity    (b) work    (c) friction
7. Knife is an example of
    (a) screw     (b) wedge    (c) pulley     (d) lever
8. The ability to do work is called
    (a) energy    (b) force    (c) friction    (d) gravity
9. Escalator is an example of
    (a) inclined plane   (b) lever    (c) wedge    (d) screw
10. Windmill works due to the energy generated from
      (a) water   (b) wind     (c) sun    (d) both (a) and (b)

E. Complete the following web charts.

F. Complete the crossword using the given clues.
Down:    1. The ability to do work (6)
              2. The smallest particle of matter (4)
              5. The main source of energy on earth (3)
Across:  3. The force by which the earth pulls everything towards itself (7)
              4. Muscular force is the force exerted by our ___________. (7)
              6. Its energy is used to turn windmills (4) 

G. Answer in one word or few words.
1. Energy obtained from the sun.

H. Name the type of force responsible for the following.
1. A stone falling from a height
2. A man pushing a car
3. A ball thrown up in the air comes down
4. A girl slowing down her bicycle
5. A ball rolling on the ground comes to rest

I. Identify whether work is done or not in the following cases.

1. Rohan is pedaling his bicycle.
2. Aarushi is trying to push a tree.
3. Vishal has thrown a ball.
4. Sukriti is holding a flower vase.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Science Std IV Chapter 7

7. The Digestive System and Teeth

A. Fill in the blanks with correct answers.
1. The digestive process begins in the _______________. (stomach/mouth)
2. From the food pipe, the food comes into the _______________.
    (stomach/small intestine)
3. The waste called ________________ (saliva/faeces) is then expelled out through
    the _________________. ( anus/large intestine)

B. Give one word answer for the following:
1. The hard, white and shiny part of the tooth
2. The chisel-shaped teeth at the front of the mouth
3. The number of molars in each jaw of an adult.
4. The soft tissue that surrounds the base of a tooth.
5. Yellow coating formed by germs on teeth.
6. The process by which food is broken into simpler form

C. Answer the following questions.
1. Draw a well-labelled diagram of the digestive system.
2. What happens to the food in the stomach?
3. What is the function of the liver?
4. What happens to the food in the small and large intestines?
5. Why should we chew our food properly?
6. What are temporary and permanent teeth?
7. Explain the structure of a tooth with the help of a labelled diagram.
8. Write the number and function of each of the following kinds of teeth:
    (a) Molars  (b) Incisors  (c) Canines  (d) Premolars
9. Mention a few ways to protect teeth from decaying.
10. Define 'Temporary Teeth'.

D. Fill in the blanks.
1. Germs form a sticky yellow coating called _______________ on the teeth.
2. The liver pours its digestive juices into the _______________ intestine.
3. We should use __________________ to clean the gaps between the teeth.
4. Chewing helps in breaking down food into _______________ pieces and mixing
    it with the __________________.
5. The __________________ is large, sac-like organ.

E. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. There are four types of permanent teeth.
2. Temporary teeth don't fall off easily.
3. Enamel is the hardest substance.
4. The small intestine is the smallest portion of the digestive system.
5. Saliva contains enzymes.

F. Tick the correct answer.
1. The undigested food passes into the
    (a) large intestine   (b) small intestine   (c) stomach   (d) anus
2. The visible part of a tooth is the
    (a) dentine   (b) pulp   (c) crown   (d) root
3. The flat and broad teeth used to crush, crack and chew the food are
    (a) incisors   (b) premolars   (c) canines   (d) molars
4. Food is first softened with a watery substance called
    (a) pulp   (b) enzyme   (c) plaque   (d) saliva
5. The soft centre of the tooth is called
    (a) gum   (b) dentine    (c) pulp   (d) root
6. The outer part of the tooth is called
    (a) crown  (b) root  (c) enamel  (d) dentine

G. Complete the following web charts.


H. Find nine words related to this chapter in the given grid. The words may read
     forward, backward and across.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Science Std. IV Chapter 2

2. Adaptations for Survival in Plants

A. Answer the following questions.
1. What is habitat?
2. Name the factors which influence the adaptations developed by plants.
3. What are the adaptations of plants that grow in plains?
4. How is a coconut tree adapted to grow in coastal areas?
5. What are adaptations?
6. Name the two categories into which plants have been divided on the basis of
    their habitat.
7. Give adaptations and examples of plants growing in:
    (a) Hills      (b) Deserts      (c) Marshy places
8. How is water lettuce adapted to grow in water?
9. What are underwater plants? How are they adapted to grow under water?
10. Name some plants that do not contain chlorophyll.
11. How is the leaf of a pitcher plant modified to capture insects?

B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Plants that grow on land are known as __________________ plants.
2. A plant adapts itself according to the climatic conditions of its _________________.
3. The trees growing in ___________________ have many branches.
4. Floating plants are ___________________ and ___________________ to
    facilitate floating.
5. In a __________________ plant, the leaf is modified into a pitcher-like structure.
6. Mushroom is a non-green plant that lacks ____________________.

C. Tick the correct answer.
1. Which of these is an example of underwater plants?
    (a) Lotus    (b) Water hyacinth    (c) Hydrilla
2. Which of these plants absorbs food from other sources?
    (a) Mould    (b) Water Lettuce    (c) Cactus
3. Which of these plants has leaves that are waxy and needle-like?
    (a) Coconut   (b) Neem    (c) Cedar
4. Which of these plants have long, hollow, light and flexible stem?
    (a) Underwater plants    (b) Fixed plants    (c) Floating plants.
5. Which of these grows in marshy areas?
    (a) Teak   (b) Cedar tree   (c) Rubber   (d) Mangrove tree
6. Hydrilla is an/a
    (a) underwater plant   (b) floating plant   (c) fixed plant   (d) insectivorous plant
7. Which of these is known as an insectivorous plant?
    (a) Water lily   (b) Pitcher plant   (c) Hydrilla    (d) Cactus

D. Complete the following web charts.

E. Find out the names of ten plants in the given grid. The names may read forward,
     backward and across.

F. Answer in one word or a few words.
1. Trees which shed their leaves in autumn
2. Plants that grow on land

G. Define
1. Insectivorous plants.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Science Std IV Chapter 9

Chapter 9
More about Clothes

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Synthetic fibres do not absorb ________________ as they are _________________.
2. _______________ and _______________ wear white clothes.
3. Our clothes form a protective layer between _________________ and our body.
4. The traditional dress of _______________ consists of mundu and _______________.
5. A raincoat is made of ________________ material, thereby protecting us from rain.
6. Keeping mothballs or dried neem leaves in woollen clothes keep insects like
    _________________ and _________________ away.

B. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the need to wear clothes?
2. What are synthetic fibres? Give examples.
3. How is natural fibre different from synthetic fibre?
4. Write a note on 'clothes and culture'.
5. How can we take care of our clothes?
6. Why do people prefer wearing cotton clothes during summer?

C. Match the following.
          Column A                              Column B
1. Flax                                    (a) Jammu and Kashmir
2. Phiran                                 (b) Synthetic fibre
3. Rayon                                 (c) Korea
4. Hanbok                               (d) Plant fibre

D. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Synthetic fibres are obtained from nature.
2. Cloth is made from fibres.
3. Our clothes do not protect us from insect bites.
4. Clothes should be washed properly with a good quality detergent.
5. Kimono is the national dress of Korea.
6. Many fabrics when twisted together make yarn.
7. Flax and hemp are animal fibres.
8. Coloured clothes should be dried in shade.
9. Synthetic fibres are man-made fibres.
10. Natural fibres are water-proof fibres.

E. Tick the correct answer.
1. Which of these fibres is obtained from plants?
    (a) Lycra      (b) Silk         (c) Hemp
2. Which of these is the traditional dress of Korea?
    (a) Hanbok     (b) Kimono     (c) Phiran
3. Which of these does not absorb sweat?
    (a) Cotton      (b) Lycra     (c) Wool
4. Which of these clothes are very delicate?
    (a) Cotton clothes  (b) Nylon clothes   (c) Silk Clothes
5. Our clothes protect us from
    (a) dust     (b) insect bites    (c) dust and insect bites.
6. Which of these is the traditional dress of Jammu and Kashmir?
    (a) Kimono     (b) Sari    (c) Hanbok    (d) Phiran

F. Unscramble the given words.
1. EJTU     2. CALRY     3. OTCNOT     4. NAYRO    5. LOWOELN   6. MEHP

G. Complete the following web charts.


H. Define
1. Natural fibres     2. Synthetic fibres    3. Waterproof material

I. Give reason
1. People prefer wearing cotton clothes during summer.
2. We should not wear synthetic clothes while working in kitchen.

J. Answer in one word.

1. National dress of women of India.
2. Dress made up of waterproof material worn in rainy season.

I. Give two examples of each.
1. Types of fibres.

Science Std IV Chapter 5

5. More About Insects

A. Name the following
1. A useful insect
2. A social insect
3. A wingless insect
4. An insect having sucking type of mouth parts
5. Hard outer covering of an insect
6. Chemicals used to destroy harmful insects
7. The chest of an insect.
8. Thing we get from silkworm.
9. This helps an insect to detect vibration, odour and sound.
10. Diseases spread by insects.
11. Harmful insects.

B. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the function of exoskeleton?
2. What do insects have on their head?
3. What are the legs of insects adapted to?
4. Which part of the body contains the heart and other organ systems of an insect?
5. What is the purpose of living together in colonies?
6. What are the four stages in the life cycle of a butterfly? Explain with a diagram.
7. Give four uses of insects?
8. How can we get rid of harmful insects?
9. What is the function of thorax of an insect.
10. How do composite eyes save insects from their enemies?
11. Name any two insects eaten by humans.
12. Name any two diseases spread by insects.

C. Fill in the blanks.
1. The exoskeleton provides the necessary _________________ as well as
    _____________________ to the body of an insect.
2. Insects have ___________________ eyes that have thousands of 
3. The series of changes through which an organism passes from birth to death is
    called its ___________________.
4. Some insects help in ____________________ of seeds of plants.
5. Insects do not have ____________________.
6. Insects breathe through small openings called ______________________.
7. The chest of an insect is called ____________________.
8. We get __________________ and ___________________ from beehive.

D. Tick the correct answer.
1. Which of these is without a backbone?
    (a) Parrot      (b) Mosquito     (c) Snake
2. Insects have _____________________ pairs of legs.
    (a) three         (b) two              (c) four
3. Which of these help(s) an insect to detect odour, vibrations and sounds?
    (a) Wings         (b) Composite eyes     (c) Antennae
4. The caterpillar spins a cocoon around itself and is called a
    (a) larva             (b) pupa           (c) butterfly
5. Which of these is made of beeswax?
    (a) Crayon          (b) Pencil        (c) Pen
6. Which of these is/are absent in insects?
    (a) Muscles      (b) Skeleton     (c) Nerves

E. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Flea is a wingless insect.
2. Insects do not have a nose.
3. Cockroaches have four stages of development.
4. Insects have three pairs of legs.
5. Butterflies and moths have chewing type of mouthpart.

F. Write a short note on 'colony of insects'.

G. Find out seven words related to this chapter in the given grid. The words may
     read forward, backward and across.

H. Complete the following web chart.

I. Define
1. exoskeleton    2. spiracles cycle

J. Give reasons

1. Honeybee is a useful insect.
2. Some insects stay together in colonies.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Science Std IV Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Reproduction in plants

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Animals that give birth to their young ones are called _______________.
2. ______________ look after their young ones properly.
3. The egg-laying animals include ______________, ______________, acquatic
    animals, _______________ and insects.
4. Amphibians like ________________ lay their eggs in large clusters called
    ________________ in water.
5. A larva is called a _________________ in case of a butterfly and a maggot in
    case of a _________________.
6. The process of change of a ________________ into an _________________
    is called metamorphosis.
7. Inside the yolk lies an ________________.
8. Frogs lays their eggs in large clusters called ________________ in water.

B. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the need for reproduction?
2. Define mammals.
3. What are warm-blooded animals?
4. Explain the structure of an egg with the help of a diagram.
5. What are the different stages of development in birds?
6. What are the various changes which the egg of a frog undergo before becoming
    an adult frog?
7. How many stages of development do insects have?
8. What is reproduction?
9. What are reptiles?
10. What are flippers?
11. What is an embryo?
12. What is an amphibian?

C. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. The albumen is rich in fat and protects the yolk and the embryo.
2. Cockroaches have three stages of development.
3. Egg-laying animals have a highly developed brain.
4. All reptiles take proper care of their young ones.
5. An embryo lies inside the yolk.
6. Tortoise is a reptile.
7. Birds that lay their eggs are called mammals.
8. The yellow coloured middle part of the egg is called albumen.
9. An early tadpole breathes through gills.
10. Fish do not have a backbone.

D. Tick the correct answer.
1. Which of these lay eggs in large clusters called spawns in water?
    (a) reptiles    (b) amphibians    (c) birds
2. Which of these is a mammal?
    (a) eagle     (b) penguin    (c) bat
3. Which of these can maintain constant body temperature despite changing
    climatic conditions?

    (a) mammals    (b) reptiles    (c) amphibians
4. What is the other name for the larva of a housefly?
    (a) caterpillar    (b) pupa    (c) maggot
5. What is a baby fish called?
    (a) chick     (b) fry     (c) nymph
6. Which of these are present in albumen?
    (a) fats     (b) vitamins    (c) minerals   (d) proteins
7. An egg of a butterfly or housefly develops into a
    (a) nymph    (b) larva    (c) pupa     (d) spawn

E. Answer in one word or a few words.
1. Frogs lay their eggs in large clusters
2. A bird which doesn't lay eggs.
3. Animals that eat only other animals.
4. Animals that live both on land and in water.
5. The albumen is rich in this.
6. This provides nutrition to develop the embryo.
7. Exception in mammals.
8. Scavengers.
9. Egg laying reptiles.
10. Aquatic mammals.

F. Complete the following web chart.
G. Find the names of seven egg-laying animals in the given grid.

H. Give reasons
1. Mammals are called warm-blooded animals.
2. All the eggs of reptiles do not hatch.

I. Define
1. Reproduction   2. Mammals    3. Warm-blooded animals    4. Embryo
5. Spawns    6. Metamorphosis   7. Reptiles