Sunday, October 7, 2018

Science Std IV Chapter 7

7. The Digestive System and Teeth

A. Fill in the blanks with correct answers.
1. The digestive process begins in the _______________. (stomach/mouth)
2. From the food pipe, the food comes into the _______________.
    (stomach/small intestine)
3. The waste called ________________ (saliva/faeces) is then expelled out through
    the _________________. ( anus/large intestine)

B. Give one word answer for the following:
1. The hard, white and shiny part of the tooth
2. The chisel-shaped teeth at the front of the mouth
3. The number of molars in each jaw of an adult.
4. The soft tissue that surrounds the base of a tooth.
5. Yellow coating formed by germs on teeth.
6. The process by which food is broken into simpler form

C. Answer the following questions.
1. Draw a well-labelled diagram of the digestive system.
2. What happens to the food in the stomach?
3. What is the function of the liver?
4. What happens to the food in the small and large intestines?
5. Why should we chew our food properly?
6. What are temporary and permanent teeth?
7. Explain the structure of a tooth with the help of a labelled diagram.
8. Write the number and function of each of the following kinds of teeth:
    (a) Molars  (b) Incisors  (c) Canines  (d) Premolars
9. Mention a few ways to protect teeth from decaying.
10. Define 'Temporary Teeth'.

D. Fill in the blanks.
1. Germs form a sticky yellow coating called _______________ on the teeth.
2. The liver pours its digestive juices into the _______________ intestine.
3. We should use __________________ to clean the gaps between the teeth.
4. Chewing helps in breaking down food into _______________ pieces and mixing
    it with the __________________.
5. The __________________ is large, sac-like organ.

E. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. There are four types of permanent teeth.
2. Temporary teeth don't fall off easily.
3. Enamel is the hardest substance.
4. The small intestine is the smallest portion of the digestive system.
5. Saliva contains enzymes.

F. Tick the correct answer.
1. The undigested food passes into the
    (a) large intestine   (b) small intestine   (c) stomach   (d) anus
2. The visible part of a tooth is the
    (a) dentine   (b) pulp   (c) crown   (d) root
3. The flat and broad teeth used to crush, crack and chew the food are
    (a) incisors   (b) premolars   (c) canines   (d) molars
4. Food is first softened with a watery substance called
    (a) pulp   (b) enzyme   (c) plaque   (d) saliva
5. The soft centre of the tooth is called
    (a) gum   (b) dentine    (c) pulp   (d) root
6. The outer part of the tooth is called
    (a) crown  (b) root  (c) enamel  (d) dentine

G. Complete the following web charts.


H. Find nine words related to this chapter in the given grid. The words may read
     forward, backward and across.

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