Thursday, August 2, 2018

Science Std IV Chapter 5

5. More About Insects

A. Name the following
1. A useful insect
2. A social insect
3. A wingless insect
4. An insect having sucking type of mouth parts
5. Hard outer covering of an insect
6. Chemicals used to destroy harmful insects
7. The chest of an insect.
8. Thing we get from silkworm.
9. This helps an insect to detect vibration, odour and sound.
10. Diseases spread by insects.
11. Harmful insects.

B. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the function of exoskeleton?
2. What do insects have on their head?
3. What are the legs of insects adapted to?
4. Which part of the body contains the heart and other organ systems of an insect?
5. What is the purpose of living together in colonies?
6. What are the four stages in the life cycle of a butterfly? Explain with a diagram.
7. Give four uses of insects?
8. How can we get rid of harmful insects?
9. What is the function of thorax of an insect.
10. How do composite eyes save insects from their enemies?
11. Name any two insects eaten by humans.
12. Name any two diseases spread by insects.

C. Fill in the blanks.
1. The exoskeleton provides the necessary _________________ as well as
    _____________________ to the body of an insect.
2. Insects have ___________________ eyes that have thousands of 
3. The series of changes through which an organism passes from birth to death is
    called its ___________________.
4. Some insects help in ____________________ of seeds of plants.
5. Insects do not have ____________________.
6. Insects breathe through small openings called ______________________.
7. The chest of an insect is called ____________________.
8. We get __________________ and ___________________ from beehive.

D. Tick the correct answer.
1. Which of these is without a backbone?
    (a) Parrot      (b) Mosquito     (c) Snake
2. Insects have _____________________ pairs of legs.
    (a) three         (b) two              (c) four
3. Which of these help(s) an insect to detect odour, vibrations and sounds?
    (a) Wings         (b) Composite eyes     (c) Antennae
4. The caterpillar spins a cocoon around itself and is called a
    (a) larva             (b) pupa           (c) butterfly
5. Which of these is made of beeswax?
    (a) Crayon          (b) Pencil        (c) Pen
6. Which of these is/are absent in insects?
    (a) Muscles      (b) Skeleton     (c) Nerves

E. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Flea is a wingless insect.
2. Insects do not have a nose.
3. Cockroaches have four stages of development.
4. Insects have three pairs of legs.
5. Butterflies and moths have chewing type of mouthpart.

F. Write a short note on 'colony of insects'.

G. Find out seven words related to this chapter in the given grid. The words may
     read forward, backward and across.

H. Complete the following web chart.

I. Define
1. exoskeleton    2. spiracles cycle

J. Give reasons

1. Honeybee is a useful insect.
2. Some insects stay together in colonies.

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