Monday, August 27, 2018

Science Std. IV Chapter 2

2. Adaptations for Survival in Plants

A. Answer the following questions.
1. What is habitat?
2. Name the factors which influence the adaptations developed by plants.
3. What are the adaptations of plants that grow in plains?
4. How is a coconut tree adapted to grow in coastal areas?
5. What are adaptations?
6. Name the two categories into which plants have been divided on the basis of
    their habitat.
7. Give adaptations and examples of plants growing in:
    (a) Hills      (b) Deserts      (c) Marshy places
8. How is water lettuce adapted to grow in water?
9. What are underwater plants? How are they adapted to grow under water?
10. Name some plants that do not contain chlorophyll.
11. How is the leaf of a pitcher plant modified to capture insects?

B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Plants that grow on land are known as __________________ plants.
2. A plant adapts itself according to the climatic conditions of its _________________.
3. The trees growing in ___________________ have many branches.
4. Floating plants are ___________________ and ___________________ to
    facilitate floating.
5. In a __________________ plant, the leaf is modified into a pitcher-like structure.
6. Mushroom is a non-green plant that lacks ____________________.

C. Tick the correct answer.
1. Which of these is an example of underwater plants?
    (a) Lotus    (b) Water hyacinth    (c) Hydrilla
2. Which of these plants absorbs food from other sources?
    (a) Mould    (b) Water Lettuce    (c) Cactus
3. Which of these plants has leaves that are waxy and needle-like?
    (a) Coconut   (b) Neem    (c) Cedar
4. Which of these plants have long, hollow, light and flexible stem?
    (a) Underwater plants    (b) Fixed plants    (c) Floating plants.
5. Which of these grows in marshy areas?
    (a) Teak   (b) Cedar tree   (c) Rubber   (d) Mangrove tree
6. Hydrilla is an/a
    (a) underwater plant   (b) floating plant   (c) fixed plant   (d) insectivorous plant
7. Which of these is known as an insectivorous plant?
    (a) Water lily   (b) Pitcher plant   (c) Hydrilla    (d) Cactus

D. Complete the following web charts.

E. Find out the names of ten plants in the given grid. The names may read forward,
     backward and across.

F. Answer in one word or a few words.
1. Trees which shed their leaves in autumn
2. Plants that grow on land

G. Define
1. Insectivorous plants.

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