Monday, July 9, 2018

Science Std IV Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Reproduction in plants

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Animals that give birth to their young ones are called _______________.
2. ______________ look after their young ones properly.
3. The egg-laying animals include ______________, ______________, acquatic
    animals, _______________ and insects.
4. Amphibians like ________________ lay their eggs in large clusters called
    ________________ in water.
5. A larva is called a _________________ in case of a butterfly and a maggot in
    case of a _________________.
6. The process of change of a ________________ into an _________________
    is called metamorphosis.
7. Inside the yolk lies an ________________.
8. Frogs lays their eggs in large clusters called ________________ in water.

B. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the need for reproduction?
2. Define mammals.
3. What are warm-blooded animals?
4. Explain the structure of an egg with the help of a diagram.
5. What are the different stages of development in birds?
6. What are the various changes which the egg of a frog undergo before becoming
    an adult frog?
7. How many stages of development do insects have?
8. What is reproduction?
9. What are reptiles?
10. What are flippers?
11. What is an embryo?
12. What is an amphibian?

C. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. The albumen is rich in fat and protects the yolk and the embryo.
2. Cockroaches have three stages of development.
3. Egg-laying animals have a highly developed brain.
4. All reptiles take proper care of their young ones.
5. An embryo lies inside the yolk.
6. Tortoise is a reptile.
7. Birds that lay their eggs are called mammals.
8. The yellow coloured middle part of the egg is called albumen.
9. An early tadpole breathes through gills.
10. Fish do not have a backbone.

D. Tick the correct answer.
1. Which of these lay eggs in large clusters called spawns in water?
    (a) reptiles    (b) amphibians    (c) birds
2. Which of these is a mammal?
    (a) eagle     (b) penguin    (c) bat
3. Which of these can maintain constant body temperature despite changing
    climatic conditions?

    (a) mammals    (b) reptiles    (c) amphibians
4. What is the other name for the larva of a housefly?
    (a) caterpillar    (b) pupa    (c) maggot
5. What is a baby fish called?
    (a) chick     (b) fry     (c) nymph
6. Which of these are present in albumen?
    (a) fats     (b) vitamins    (c) minerals   (d) proteins
7. An egg of a butterfly or housefly develops into a
    (a) nymph    (b) larva    (c) pupa     (d) spawn

E. Answer in one word or a few words.
1. Frogs lay their eggs in large clusters
2. A bird which doesn't lay eggs.
3. Animals that eat only other animals.
4. Animals that live both on land and in water.
5. The albumen is rich in this.
6. This provides nutrition to develop the embryo.
7. Exception in mammals.
8. Scavengers.
9. Egg laying reptiles.
10. Aquatic mammals.

F. Complete the following web chart.
G. Find the names of seven egg-laying animals in the given grid.

H. Give reasons
1. Mammals are called warm-blooded animals.
2. All the eggs of reptiles do not hatch.

I. Define
1. Reproduction   2. Mammals    3. Warm-blooded animals    4. Embryo
5. Spawns    6. Metamorphosis   7. Reptiles

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