Saturday, September 9, 2017

Science worksheet chapter4

Science Chapter 4

A. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Birds have a beak with teeth and two holes called nares.
2. All birds eat the same kind of food.
3. Birds have four toes on each of the two feet.
4. The webbed feet of duck and geese help them to swim and glide in water.
5. Birds like hoopoe and woodpecker have long and pointed beaks.

B. Name bird/s for each of the following:
1. Birds that can fly very high.
2. Birds that make cup-shaped nests.
3. Birds that make burrow nests.
4. Birds that can fly only a short distance.
5. Birds of prey.
6. Birds that cannot fly at all besides penguin.
7. A bird that does not build its nest and lay its eggs in a crow's nest.
8. A bird that has talons.

C. Answer the following questions:
1.   How does the body structure of a bird help it to fly?
2.   What kind of a beak do swallows have? How does it help them to capture their food?
3.   What is the function of the claws of a bird?
4.   Name the three types of feathers.
5.   How do birds fly?
6.   What kind of a nest does the tailor bird make? How does it build it?
7.   What happens during hatching?
8.   What kinds of feet do cranes and herons have?
9.   Why do birds swalllow their food?
10. Why are vultures, eagles, hawks and owls called birds of prey?
11. What is camouflage?
12. What is the use of feathers in birds?
13. Why can't birds like penguins fly?

D. Match the following:
         Column A                           Column B          
1. Peacock                               (a) Webbed feet
2. Woodpecker                         (b) Scrape nest
3. Duck                                     (c) Perching bird
4. Penguin                                (d) Strong and chisel-shaped beak
5. Hoopoe                                 (e) Long curved toes
6. Mynah                                   (f)  Strong, short and hard beak

E. Fill in the blanks:
1.   Birds like heron and _______________________ have long, pointed beaks to spear

2.   Birds have strong muscles called the _________________ muscles.
3.   _______________ are the modified forelimbs.
4.   Birds of prey have strong and sharp claws called ____________________.
5.   The ___________________ feathers are used in flapping and the tail feathers help
      changing the ____________________ during the ____________________.

6.   Beaks of parrots help them to ____________________ seeds, _______________ and

7.   The ____________________ bird weaves a very beautiful and strong nest with twigs,
      straw and grass.

8.   ________________ and __________________ can fly only a short distance.
9.   Beak is also called ________________ or __________________.
10. The baby birds are ________________ and without feathers.
11. ________________ feathers help to keep the bird warm.

F. Tick the correct answer:
1. Which of these feathers are soft and fluffy and help to keep the bird warm?
    (a) Body feathers     (b)  Down feathers      (c) Flight feathers
2. Which of these birds has a beak that helps it to suck nectar from the flower?
    (a) Hummingbird       (b)  Eagle                    (c) Goose
3. Which of these birds has talons?
    (a) Sparrow               (b) Woodpecker         (c) Hawk
4. What help(s) a bird to climb, walk, swim and perch?
    (a) Beak                    (b) Claws                    (c) Feathers
5. Which of these birds makes a cup-shaped nest?
    (a) Tailor bird             (b) Duck                     (c) Hoopoe
6. Which of these birds keep their mouth open while flying?
    (a) Sunbird                (b) Swallow                 (c) Vulture             (d) Hoopoe
7. Quail makes a
    (a) pendant nest        (b) burrow nest          (c) scrape nest      (d) cupped nest
8. Which of these is a wading bird?
    (a) Duck                     (b) Vulture                  (c) Crane              (d) Hen

F. Find out the names of nine more birds in the given grid. The names may read
    forward, backward and across:

G. Define the following:
(1) Burrow nests

H. Complete the following webcharts:


I. Draw a neat labelled diagram of
(1) a bird.
(2) weaver bird's nest.

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