Thursday, September 28, 2017

Science Worksheet Chapter 12

Science Chapter 12

A. Give one word for the following:
1. It is a natural non-luminous object.
2. It is formed when light coming from the source of light is blocked by an object.
3. This always travels in a straight line.
4. This is the main source of light on the earth.

B. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the difference between luminous and non-luminous objects? Give two examples of

2. How is a shadow formed?
3. What is sound?
4. Can non-living things produce sound? If yes, give two examples.
5. What is force?
6. How is force useful to us?
7. What is friction? How is it useful to us?
8. Name two luminous animals.
9. Name one thing that does not cast its shadow. We cannot survive without this.
10. Can you see light, sound and force?

C. Fill in the blanks.
1. _____________ helps us to see things around us.
2. The sun is the main source of light on the ____________.
3. Light always travels in a ______________ line.
4.  ______________ always appear to be black or dark, irrrespective of the colour of the

5. Sound is a form of ________________.
6. Force is a ______________ or a pull.
7. We apply force to change the ________________ or ___________ of an object.
8. _______________ is the force that slows down or stops a moving object.
9. _______________ need a push or pull to move.

D. Tick the correct answer.
1. Which of these is a man-made source of light?
    (a) The sun              (b) Star                 (c) The moon             (d) Bulb
2. Which of these always travels in a straight line?
    (a) Force                  (b) Sound             (c) Light                     (d) Friction
3. Which of these is a pleasant sound?
    (a) Barking of dogs             (b) Horn of vehicles
    (c) Screaming of children    (c) Chirping of birds 
4. You apply force to
    (a) produce sound   (b) produce light    (c) do work                (d) do nothing.
5. The main source of light on the earth is
    (a) the moon            (b) candle              (c) the sun                 (d) tube light.
6. The sun is
    (a)  natural luminous object                   (b) man-made luminous object
    (c)  non-luminous object                        (d) a planet
7. Light is a form of
    (a) man-made object                             (b) luminous object
    (c) energy                                              (d) non-luminous object

E. Match the following:
        Column A                                                                 Column B
    1. Tree                                                                    (a) Shadow
    2. Hitting a ball with a bat                                        (b) Friction
    3. Playing a piano                                                   (c) Non-luminous object
    4. Walking on a road without skidding                    (d) Force
    5. Always appears to be dark or black in colour     (e) Pleasant sound

F. Unscramble the given words.
   1. DASWOH    2. CITRIFON    3. NOSUD     4. ROFEC

G. Identify the following sounds as soft or loud.
    1. Children playing chinese whisper              2. Rustling of leaves
    3. A teacher teaching in class                       4. Water drops falling in a bucket
    5. A child singing on stage                            5. A father scolding his child

H.Complete the following web-chart.