Sunday, September 10, 2017

Science Worksheet Chapter 9

Science Chapter 9

1.  Choose the correct answer from the bracket to complete the statement.
(1) Everything around us is _______________. (space / matter)
(2) Liquids take shape of the _________________ they are kept in. (container / space)
(3) Gases fill all the available _________________ (matter / space)
(4) Matter exists in ____________ different states. (four / three)

2.  Answer the following questions.
(1)   What is mass?
(2)   What is matter?
(3)   What are the three different states of matter?
(4)   Mention any two qualities of solids with examples.
(5)   What are liquids? Give two qualities of liquids.
(6)   Name any three qualities of gases. Give some examples of gases.
(7)   What is change of state of matter?
(8)   What is evaporation?
(9)   What is water called in its gaseous state?
(10) What is change of state of matter?

3.  Give one word for the following.
(1) The process of change of a liquid into solid
(2) Matter which has no shape or size
(3) The quantity that tells you how heavy or light an object is
(4) The process of change of a gas into liquid

3.  State whether the following statements are true or false.
(1) Matter is the quantity that tells us how heavy or light an object is.
(2) Solids can neither change their shape nor can flow.
(3) Our atmosphere is made of different types of gases.
(4) Steam is the liquid state of water.
(5) Gases can be poured and spilled, while liquids cannot.

4.  Tick the correct answer.
(1) Our atmosphere is made of different types of
     (a) solids       (b) liquids       (c) gases
(2) The process of change of a solid into liquid is called
     (a) freezing  ( b) melting      (c) condensation
(3) Anything that has a fixed shape is called a
     (a) solid.       ( b) liquid.        (c) gas.
(4) Which of these cannot be seen, but can be felt?
     (a) Milk         ( b) Apple      (c) Air
(5) Anything that does not have a fixed shape and size and can flow easily is called
     (a) liquid        ( b) space    (c) matter    (d) mass
(6) The quantity that tells us how heavy or light an object is called
     (a) space       ( b) mass    (c) matter    (d) molecule

 5.  Complete the web chart.
6. Find out seven words related to matter in the given grid. The names may read
    forward, backward and across.

7.  Answer in one word or few words.
(1) The process of change of a liquid into gas is called _________________.
(2) __________________ exists in three different states.
(3) Matter exists in ________________ different states.


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