Thursday, September 28, 2017

Science Worksheet Chapter 13

Science Worksheet Chapter 13

1. Choose the correct answer from the bracket to complete the statement:
(1) Moving air is called ___________________. (storm/ wind)
(2) Air is a mixture of _________________. (gases/ liquids)
(3) ______________ dries our clothes faster. (Rain/ Air)
(4) Apart from gases, air also contains _____________ and _____________. ( dust/ germs/
     flowers/ leaves)

2. Fill in the blanks:
(1) The process of conversion of a solid into liquid is called ________________.
(2) The process of conversion of a _____________ to solid is called freezing.
(3) The process of conversion of a liquid into _____________ is called evaporation.
(4) The process of conversion of a gas into liquid is called ________________.
(5) Moving air is called ________________.
(6) Air contains _______________, dust and _______________.
(7) Animals breathe in _____________ and breathe out _________________.
(8) Water is most ________________ substance on planet _________________.
(9) In nature, water keeps on changing its form continuously through _________________
     and __________________.

3. State whether the following statements are true or false.
(1) Water droplets collect around dust particles in the air to form rain.
(2) Air helps birds to fly in the sky.
(3) Gently moving wind is called storm.
(4) Air contains gases like oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapour.
(5) In nature, water keeps on changing its form continuously through boiling and

4. Answer the following questions.
(1) What is the difference between breeze and storm?
(2) Give any four uses of air?
(3) How much of water is present on the earth?
(4) How is boiling different from evaporation?
(5) What is water cycle? Explain it.
(6) Why should we wash our hands before eating even if you have not touched anything

5. Tick the correct answer.
(1) Air shows all the properties of a
     (a) solid                      (b) liquid                         (c) gas
(2) The process of conversion of a gas to liquid is called
     (a) evaporation           (b) condensation            (c) freezing
(3) Plants take in
     (a) carbon dioxide       (b) oxygen                      (c) nitrogen
(4) How much of the earth's surface is covered with water?
     (a) One-fourth             (b) Two-third                   (c) Three-fourth
(5) Out of evaporation and boiling, which one is faster process?
     (a) Evaporation           (b) Boiling                        (c) Both are slow processes.
(6) Which one of these is a faster process?
     (a) Evaporation           (b) Condensation       (c) Boiling     (d) Freezing
(7) Gently moving wind is called
     (a) storm            (b) wind           (c) breeze          (d) air

6. Complete the web chart

7. Unscramble the given words to form a correct word.
    (1) MAETS    (2) PROATINOEVA     (3) INLGIOB         (4) IARN

8. Answer in one word or few words.
   (1)  Mixture of gases.

9. Define:
   (1) Water cycle.

10. Draw the diagram of watercycle.

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