Saturday, December 30, 2017

Science Worksheet Chapter 3

Science Worksheet Chapter3

1. Identify which type of plant is shown in the picture.

2. Label different parts of a plant:
3. Answer the following questions.
1) What is tap root?
2) What is lamina?
3) Give two functions of a leaf.
4) Name some roots we eat.
5) What are fibrous roots?
6) What are different types of plants? Give one example of each.
7) What is a root?
8) Give three functions of a stem.
9) Why are leaves called 'the food factories' of the plants?
10) What are the two parts of a flower?
11) Give two functions of a fruit.
12) What is germination?
13) Define edible seeds.
14) Give examples of plants completing their life cycle in different time periods.
15) Describe underground stem with examples. Mention their function.
16) Describe pitcher plant.
17) Why are leaves green in colour? What is their function?
18) What is nectar? What is its function?
19) Give an example of a plant that doesn't grow from a seed.
20) Define vegetable.
21) What are fruits? Give examples of fruits that are used as vegetables.
22) Name a flower that we eat.
23) What is the major function of the seed?

4. Fill in the blanks.
1) Plants that grow along the ground are called ______________________.
2) The part of a plant which grows above the ground is ______________________.
3) Trees have ___________________, ___________________ and
     _______________________ stem called trunk.
4) A number of small openings called ____________________ are present on the surface
     of the leaf.
5) The major function of a ______________________ is to give rise to a new plant.
6) Seeds are contained mostly in __________________. 
7) The process by which a seed grows into a new plant is called ____________________.

5. Tick the correct answer.
1) Plants with weak stems are called
   (a) creepers        (b) shrubs         (c) trees
2) Examples of plants with edible seeds are
   (a) mango and guava    (b) wheat and rice         (c) apple and watermelon
3) A plant which has round leaves is
   (a) Ashoka            (b) peepal         (c) nasturtium
4) The stem of shrubs is
   (a) thick                 (b) soft              (c) hard
5) Plants with fibrous roots are
   (a) mustard plants   (b) grass       (c) mango trees.
6) The green part that encloses the flower in the bud is called
   (a) sepal     (b) petal        (c) lamina      (d) vein 
7) Plants that grow along the ground are called
   (a) shrubs   (b) climbers   (c) herbs      (d) creepers
8) Which of these is a part of the leaf?
   (a) bud        (b) stem         (c) vein        (d) branch

6. Complete the following web chart.

 7. Unscramble the following to get the names of the fruit.
1) AUVAG      2) NORAGE     3) SARPEG     4) RCEHRY      5) REPA     6) NOMAG

8. Complete the story using the words in the box.
     [ roots, stem, leaf, food, seed, fruit, flower ]
    Three little droplets of water - Tiny Tot, Droppy and Timmy enter a plant through its
     ____________________. They reach the _________________ which is like a soft green
     pipe. This pipe takes them to various parts of the plant. Tiny Tot goes to a very colourful
     sweet smelling _________________. Droppy goes to the ______________ that is
     flat and green. Timmy enters a ________________ that is round and sour with a
     ____________________ inside it. Tiny Tot and Timmy stay as it is with the plant for a
     long time. Droppy on the other hand, helps the plant to prepare _________________.

9. State whether true or flase.
1) Plants make their food with the help of carbon dioxide.

10. Define
1) Tap root

Monday, December 25, 2017

Science Worksheet Chapter 2

Science Worksheet Chapter 2

A. Answer in yes or no.
1. Plants remain fixed to the ground because they do not have to search for food or water.
2. Sweet potatoes grow from stem.
3. Without oxygen, animals will die.
4. Animals show a variety in their movement.
B. Answer the following questions.
1. What is locomotion?
2. How do plants get their food?
3. How do insects breathe?
4. How do animate reproduce?
5. What are the things for which plants depend on animals?
6. How do non-green plants like mushrooms obtain food?
7. For what purpose do animals use their sense organs?

 C. Fill in the blanks.
1. Plants have the ability to prepare their own food with the help of ____________,
    _________________ and sunlight.
2. Animals can walk, ______________, _______________, fly and ____________.
3. Plants prepare their food with the help of a gas called _____________________.
4. Frogs breathe through their ______________ and _________________.
5. _________________ do not show locomotion.
6. Human beings breathe through _______________.
7. Animals have _______________ which plants lack.

D. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Plants can make their own food.
2. Fish breathe through their lungs.
3. Animals show locomotion.
4. Most plants grow from leaves.
5. Animals give out oxygen while breathing.
6. Plants make their own food with the help of carbon dioxide.

E. Circle the odd one out.
1. lungs            gills              stomata               tiny holes.
2. mango          tiger             guava                  sheesham
3. medicine       food             timber                  carbon dioxide
4. stomata        skin              eyes                     tongue

F. Tick the correct answer.
1. Plants depend on animals for
    a. carbon dioxide     b. manure             c. spreading the seeds    d. all of them
2. Which of these is not a sense organ?
    a. eye                      b. stomach            c. ear                               d. nose

G. Define
1. Locomotion.


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Science Worksheet Chapter 13

Science Worksheet Chapter 13

1. Choose the correct answer from the bracket to complete the statement:
(1) Moving air is called ___________________. (storm/ wind)
(2) Air is a mixture of _________________. (gases/ liquids)
(3) ______________ dries our clothes faster. (Rain/ Air)
(4) Apart from gases, air also contains _____________ and _____________. ( dust/ germs/
     flowers/ leaves)

2. Fill in the blanks:
(1) The process of conversion of a solid into liquid is called ________________.
(2) The process of conversion of a _____________ to solid is called freezing.
(3) The process of conversion of a liquid into _____________ is called evaporation.
(4) The process of conversion of a gas into liquid is called ________________.
(5) Moving air is called ________________.
(6) Air contains _______________, dust and _______________.
(7) Animals breathe in _____________ and breathe out _________________.
(8) Water is most ________________ substance on planet _________________.
(9) In nature, water keeps on changing its form continuously through _________________
     and __________________.

3. State whether the following statements are true or false.
(1) Water droplets collect around dust particles in the air to form rain.
(2) Air helps birds to fly in the sky.
(3) Gently moving wind is called storm.
(4) Air contains gases like oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapour.
(5) In nature, water keeps on changing its form continuously through boiling and

4. Answer the following questions.
(1) What is the difference between breeze and storm?
(2) Give any four uses of air?
(3) How much of water is present on the earth?
(4) How is boiling different from evaporation?
(5) What is water cycle? Explain it.
(6) Why should we wash our hands before eating even if you have not touched anything

5. Tick the correct answer.
(1) Air shows all the properties of a
     (a) solid                      (b) liquid                         (c) gas
(2) The process of conversion of a gas to liquid is called
     (a) evaporation           (b) condensation            (c) freezing
(3) Plants take in
     (a) carbon dioxide       (b) oxygen                      (c) nitrogen
(4) How much of the earth's surface is covered with water?
     (a) One-fourth             (b) Two-third                   (c) Three-fourth
(5) Out of evaporation and boiling, which one is faster process?
     (a) Evaporation           (b) Boiling                        (c) Both are slow processes.
(6) Which one of these is a faster process?
     (a) Evaporation           (b) Condensation       (c) Boiling     (d) Freezing
(7) Gently moving wind is called
     (a) storm            (b) wind           (c) breeze          (d) air

6. Complete the web chart

7. Unscramble the given words to form a correct word.
    (1) MAETS    (2) PROATINOEVA     (3) INLGIOB         (4) IARN

8. Answer in one word or few words.
   (1)  Mixture of gases.

9. Define:
   (1) Water cycle.

10. Draw the diagram of watercycle.

Science Worksheet Chapter 12

Science Chapter 12

A. Give one word for the following:
1. It is a natural non-luminous object.
2. It is formed when light coming from the source of light is blocked by an object.
3. This always travels in a straight line.
4. This is the main source of light on the earth.

B. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the difference between luminous and non-luminous objects? Give two examples of

2. How is a shadow formed?
3. What is sound?
4. Can non-living things produce sound? If yes, give two examples.
5. What is force?
6. How is force useful to us?
7. What is friction? How is it useful to us?
8. Name two luminous animals.
9. Name one thing that does not cast its shadow. We cannot survive without this.
10. Can you see light, sound and force?

C. Fill in the blanks.
1. _____________ helps us to see things around us.
2. The sun is the main source of light on the ____________.
3. Light always travels in a ______________ line.
4.  ______________ always appear to be black or dark, irrrespective of the colour of the

5. Sound is a form of ________________.
6. Force is a ______________ or a pull.
7. We apply force to change the ________________ or ___________ of an object.
8. _______________ is the force that slows down or stops a moving object.
9. _______________ need a push or pull to move.

D. Tick the correct answer.
1. Which of these is a man-made source of light?
    (a) The sun              (b) Star                 (c) The moon             (d) Bulb
2. Which of these always travels in a straight line?
    (a) Force                  (b) Sound             (c) Light                     (d) Friction
3. Which of these is a pleasant sound?
    (a) Barking of dogs             (b) Horn of vehicles
    (c) Screaming of children    (c) Chirping of birds 
4. You apply force to
    (a) produce sound   (b) produce light    (c) do work                (d) do nothing.
5. The main source of light on the earth is
    (a) the moon            (b) candle              (c) the sun                 (d) tube light.
6. The sun is
    (a)  natural luminous object                   (b) man-made luminous object
    (c)  non-luminous object                        (d) a planet
7. Light is a form of
    (a) man-made object                             (b) luminous object
    (c) energy                                              (d) non-luminous object

E. Match the following:
        Column A                                                                 Column B
    1. Tree                                                                    (a) Shadow
    2. Hitting a ball with a bat                                        (b) Friction
    3. Playing a piano                                                   (c) Non-luminous object
    4. Walking on a road without skidding                    (d) Force
    5. Always appears to be dark or black in colour     (e) Pleasant sound

F. Unscramble the given words.
   1. DASWOH    2. CITRIFON    3. NOSUD     4. ROFEC

G. Identify the following sounds as soft or loud.
    1. Children playing chinese whisper              2. Rustling of leaves
    3. A teacher teaching in class                       4. Water drops falling in a bucket
    5. A child singing on stage                            5. A father scolding his child

H.Complete the following web-chart.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Science Worksheet Chapter11

Science Chapter 11

1. State whether the following statements are true or false.
(1) The measurement using a body part is accurate.
(2) The smaller the container, the lesser will be its capacity to hold liquids.
(3) In earlier times, people took the help of watches and clocks to measure time.
(4) Temperature is the measure of how hot or cold an object is.

2.  Answer the following questions.
(1)   Define cubit, handspan, footspan and arm length.
(2)   Why was there a need to have a standard unit for measuring length?
(3)   Which objects do we use to measure length?
(4)   What is mass?
(5)   What is the standard unit of mass? What are the other commonly used units of mass?
(6)   What do you understand by the term capacity?
(7)   Which objects are used to measure capacity?
(8)   How did people in earlier times measure time?
(9)   What is temperature? How is it measured?
(10) How is time measured?

3. Fill in the blanks.
(1)   The length between the tip of the thumb and the little finger is called

(2)   ________________, ___________________, __________________ and kilometre are
       the other units of length.

(3)  Mass of an object tells us how ________________ or ________________ that object is.
(4)   The commonly used unit for measuring _____________________ is litre.
(5)   A thermometer measures the temperature in degree ___________________ or

(6)   Temperature is measured in __________________ or ____________________. 
(7)   ________________ is the measure of how hot or cold an object is.
(8)   ________________ is the amount of liquid a container can hold.
(9)   In some countries _____________ is measured in pounds.
(10) 1 pound = approximately ________ kg.
(11) _____________, _______________, _______________ and ________________ are
       called non-standard units for measuring length.

4. Tick the correct answer.
(1) Which of these is the standard unit for measuring length?
     (a) Cubit                   (b) Kilogram              (c) Metre          (d) Handspan

(2) To measure the mass of an object, we use a
     (a) metre scale.        (b) thermometer .      (c) watch.         (d) beam balance.
(3) Milk, water and fruit juice are measured in
     (a) kilograms.           (b) metre.                  (c) litre.             (d) celcius.
(4) A thermometer measures the temperature in degree
     (a) gram or kilogram. (b) second or hour.    (c) metre or kilometre.
     (d) celcius or fahrenheit.

(5) The standard unit of time is
     (a) hour.                     (b) minute                 (c) metre          (d) second.
(6) The standard unit for measuring mass is
     (a) gram                     (b) kilogram               (c) pound         (d) metre.
(7) Which of the following things can be measured in kilogram and litre both
     (a) Oil                         (b) Ghee                    (c) Ice cream   (d) Sugar

5. Define the following.
(1) Handspan

6. Which of the following things can be measured easily? Tick or cross for yes & no

(1) Milk in a bottle (2) Sugar in a bowl (3) Air around you (4) Width of hair
(5) Water in a sea (6) Length of a notebook (7) Height of your table.

7. Complete the web chart.

8. Find out six words related to measurement in the given grid. The names may read
    forward, backward and across.

9. Draw a neat labelled diagram of a Beam balance and a measuring beaker.

Science Worksheet Chapter 9

Science Chapter 9

1.  Choose the correct answer from the bracket to complete the statement.
(1) Everything around us is _______________. (space / matter)
(2) Liquids take shape of the _________________ they are kept in. (container / space)
(3) Gases fill all the available _________________ (matter / space)
(4) Matter exists in ____________ different states. (four / three)

2.  Answer the following questions.
(1)   What is mass?
(2)   What is matter?
(3)   What are the three different states of matter?
(4)   Mention any two qualities of solids with examples.
(5)   What are liquids? Give two qualities of liquids.
(6)   Name any three qualities of gases. Give some examples of gases.
(7)   What is change of state of matter?
(8)   What is evaporation?
(9)   What is water called in its gaseous state?
(10) What is change of state of matter?

3.  Give one word for the following.
(1) The process of change of a liquid into solid
(2) Matter which has no shape or size
(3) The quantity that tells you how heavy or light an object is
(4) The process of change of a gas into liquid

3.  State whether the following statements are true or false.
(1) Matter is the quantity that tells us how heavy or light an object is.
(2) Solids can neither change their shape nor can flow.
(3) Our atmosphere is made of different types of gases.
(4) Steam is the liquid state of water.
(5) Gases can be poured and spilled, while liquids cannot.

4.  Tick the correct answer.
(1) Our atmosphere is made of different types of
     (a) solids       (b) liquids       (c) gases
(2) The process of change of a solid into liquid is called
     (a) freezing  ( b) melting      (c) condensation
(3) Anything that has a fixed shape is called a
     (a) solid.       ( b) liquid.        (c) gas.
(4) Which of these cannot be seen, but can be felt?
     (a) Milk         ( b) Apple      (c) Air
(5) Anything that does not have a fixed shape and size and can flow easily is called
     (a) liquid        ( b) space    (c) matter    (d) mass
(6) The quantity that tells us how heavy or light an object is called
     (a) space       ( b) mass    (c) matter    (d) molecule

 5.  Complete the web chart.
6. Find out seven words related to matter in the given grid. The names may read
    forward, backward and across.

7.  Answer in one word or few words.
(1) The process of change of a liquid into gas is called _________________.
(2) __________________ exists in three different states.
(3) Matter exists in ________________ different states.