Saturday, December 30, 2017

Science Worksheet Chapter 3

Science Worksheet Chapter3

1. Identify which type of plant is shown in the picture.

2. Label different parts of a plant:
3. Answer the following questions.
1) What is tap root?
2) What is lamina?
3) Give two functions of a leaf.
4) Name some roots we eat.
5) What are fibrous roots?
6) What are different types of plants? Give one example of each.
7) What is a root?
8) Give three functions of a stem.
9) Why are leaves called 'the food factories' of the plants?
10) What are the two parts of a flower?
11) Give two functions of a fruit.
12) What is germination?
13) Define edible seeds.
14) Give examples of plants completing their life cycle in different time periods.
15) Describe underground stem with examples. Mention their function.
16) Describe pitcher plant.
17) Why are leaves green in colour? What is their function?
18) What is nectar? What is its function?
19) Give an example of a plant that doesn't grow from a seed.
20) Define vegetable.
21) What are fruits? Give examples of fruits that are used as vegetables.
22) Name a flower that we eat.
23) What is the major function of the seed?

4. Fill in the blanks.
1) Plants that grow along the ground are called ______________________.
2) The part of a plant which grows above the ground is ______________________.
3) Trees have ___________________, ___________________ and
     _______________________ stem called trunk.
4) A number of small openings called ____________________ are present on the surface
     of the leaf.
5) The major function of a ______________________ is to give rise to a new plant.
6) Seeds are contained mostly in __________________. 
7) The process by which a seed grows into a new plant is called ____________________.

5. Tick the correct answer.
1) Plants with weak stems are called
   (a) creepers        (b) shrubs         (c) trees
2) Examples of plants with edible seeds are
   (a) mango and guava    (b) wheat and rice         (c) apple and watermelon
3) A plant which has round leaves is
   (a) Ashoka            (b) peepal         (c) nasturtium
4) The stem of shrubs is
   (a) thick                 (b) soft              (c) hard
5) Plants with fibrous roots are
   (a) mustard plants   (b) grass       (c) mango trees.
6) The green part that encloses the flower in the bud is called
   (a) sepal     (b) petal        (c) lamina      (d) vein 
7) Plants that grow along the ground are called
   (a) shrubs   (b) climbers   (c) herbs      (d) creepers
8) Which of these is a part of the leaf?
   (a) bud        (b) stem         (c) vein        (d) branch

6. Complete the following web chart.

 7. Unscramble the following to get the names of the fruit.
1) AUVAG      2) NORAGE     3) SARPEG     4) RCEHRY      5) REPA     6) NOMAG

8. Complete the story using the words in the box.
     [ roots, stem, leaf, food, seed, fruit, flower ]
    Three little droplets of water - Tiny Tot, Droppy and Timmy enter a plant through its
     ____________________. They reach the _________________ which is like a soft green
     pipe. This pipe takes them to various parts of the plant. Tiny Tot goes to a very colourful
     sweet smelling _________________. Droppy goes to the ______________ that is
     flat and green. Timmy enters a ________________ that is round and sour with a
     ____________________ inside it. Tiny Tot and Timmy stay as it is with the plant for a
     long time. Droppy on the other hand, helps the plant to prepare _________________.

9. State whether true or flase.
1) Plants make their food with the help of carbon dioxide.

10. Define
1) Tap root

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