Sunday, January 13, 2019

Science Std IV Chapter 15

15. Measuring things

1. Give the name of the standard unit for measuring:
1) length    2) mass    3) capacity   4) temperature

2. Answer the following questions.
1) Define:   (a) Mass   (b) Temperature   (c) Capacity   (d) Length
2) How will you measure the length of a line using a ruler?
3) Write a note on temperature.
4) Mention the devices and standard units which are used to measure the following:
    (a) length    (b) capacity   (c) mass   (d) temperature
5) Which of these units will you use to measure the length of your pencil box?
    (a) metres   (b) centimetres
6) Which of these will you use to weigh yourself?
    (a) Beam balance     (b) Weighing scale
7) How is an electronic balance better than a beam balance to measure mass of
     an object?

3. Match the following
        Column A                       Column B
(1) Mass                          (a) Temperature
(2) Degree Celsius          (b) Metres
(3) Length                        (c) Beam balance
(4) Capacity                     (d) Weighing scale
(5) Body weight                (e) Measuring cylinder

4. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1) A measuring tape is most commonly used by a cloth dealer.
2) Utensils like spoons, glasses and cups are used to measure capacity in 
    non-standard units.
3) The normal temperature of human body is 37°F
4) Mass of an object tells us how heavy or light that object is.
5) A ruler has markings in centimetres and inches.
6) We use any thermometer to measure the temperature of our body.

5. Unscramble the given words.

6. Tick the correct answer
1) The normal body temperature of a human being is
    (a) 37°C       (b) 45°C      (c) 28°C     (d) 52°C
2) Which of these is used by a cloth dealer to measure the length of the cloth?
    (a) Ruler    (b) Electronic scale      (c) Meter rod    (d) Beam balance

7. Answer in one or few word/s
1) An instrument which is used to measure the weight of a human being.
2) The measure of amount of liquid that a container can hold

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