Sunday, January 13, 2019

Science Std IV Chapter 15

15. Measuring things

1. Give the name of the standard unit for measuring:
1) length    2) mass    3) capacity   4) temperature

2. Answer the following questions.
1) Define:   (a) Mass   (b) Temperature   (c) Capacity   (d) Length
2) How will you measure the length of a line using a ruler?
3) Write a note on temperature.
4) Mention the devices and standard units which are used to measure the following:
    (a) length    (b) capacity   (c) mass   (d) temperature
5) Which of these units will you use to measure the length of your pencil box?
    (a) metres   (b) centimetres
6) Which of these will you use to weigh yourself?
    (a) Beam balance     (b) Weighing scale
7) How is an electronic balance better than a beam balance to measure mass of
     an object?

3. Match the following
        Column A                       Column B
(1) Mass                          (a) Temperature
(2) Degree Celsius          (b) Metres
(3) Length                        (c) Beam balance
(4) Capacity                     (d) Weighing scale
(5) Body weight                (e) Measuring cylinder

4. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1) A measuring tape is most commonly used by a cloth dealer.
2) Utensils like spoons, glasses and cups are used to measure capacity in 
    non-standard units.
3) The normal temperature of human body is 37°F
4) Mass of an object tells us how heavy or light that object is.
5) A ruler has markings in centimetres and inches.
6) We use any thermometer to measure the temperature of our body.

5. Unscramble the given words.

6. Tick the correct answer
1) The normal body temperature of a human being is
    (a) 37°C       (b) 45°C      (c) 28°C     (d) 52°C
2) Which of these is used by a cloth dealer to measure the length of the cloth?
    (a) Ruler    (b) Electronic scale      (c) Meter rod    (d) Beam balance

7. Answer in one or few word/s
1) An instrument which is used to measure the weight of a human being.
2) The measure of amount of liquid that a container can hold

Monday, January 7, 2019

Science Std IV Chapter 11

11. Matter and Water

1. Fill in the blanks.
1) The change of state of matter occurs because of ___________________
2) ___________________ are the smallest particles of which matter is made of.
3) The fast conversion of a liquid to a gas is known as ___________________.
4) The molecules in ___________________ are not so closely packed as in solids
     and are ___________________ to move about.

2. Name four solids that are (1)hard and (2)soft.

3. Define the following.
1) Fog   2) Snow   3) Solute    4) Frost    5) Dew   6) Hail   7) Solution  8) Insoluble

4. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1) The best and safest method of water purification is boiling.
2) Water should not be purified before we use it for drinking and cooking.
3) Insoluble impurities like sand settle at the bottom of the container.
4) Germs present in water cannot be killed by using chemicals like chlorine.
5) A solute dissolves faster in cold water.
6) The molecules are packed very close to each other in solids.
7) The process of cooling down a gas so that it becomes liquid is known as freezing.
8) Filtration is the safest method of water purification.
9) Sand is insoluble in water.
10) Germs present in water can be killed by using chlorine.

5. Answer the following questions.
1) On what factor do the properties of a substance depend?
2) What is the arrangement of molecules in solids and gases?
3) Liquids do not have a fixed shape and can flow easily. Why?
4) What happens during evaporation and condensation of water in nature ? Explain.
5) Define the terms (a) solute (b) solvent   (c) solution.
6) Under which conditions does a solute dissolve faster in water?
7) Differentiate between soluble and insoluble substances.
8) What are the different methods of purification of water?
9) What is a solution?
10) What is meant by sedimentation?
11) Name two qualities of solid.
12) How is liquid different from solid?
13) Mention the qualities of gas. Give examples of gases.
14) What are the qualities of powders?

6. Tick the correct answer.
1) Which of these is a soft solid?
    (a) Cloth    (b) Diamond    (c) Gold
2) When a thick cloud of water drops is formed just above land or water, it is called
    (a) hail   (b) dew    (c) fog
3) The liquid in which a solid dissolves completely is called
     (a) solute    (b) solvent   (c) solution
4) Which of these is a process of purification of water which kills germs?
     (a) Decantation     (b) Filtration    (c) Boiling   (d) Evaporation
5) When raindrops freeze and fall on the earth as small pellets of ice, they are called
    (a) fog   (b) hail   (c) frost
6) Which of these is a soluble substance?
    (a) Sand    (b) Stone   (c) Sugar

7. Complete the web chart.



8. Each of the following clues describe processes which end with 'on'. Name them.
1) The slow conversion of a liquid into a gas
2) The process of settling down of insoluble substances in water
3) The process in which insoluble substances remain in a filter paper and clear
    water is obtained

9. Answer in one or few words.
1) Molecules are composesd of small particles called ___________________.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Science Std IV Chapter 6

6. Food and Nutrition

A. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. The process by which living beings obtain and utilize food for their growth and development is
     called nutrition.
2. Proteins are also called protective food.
3. The fibre present in our food is known as roughage because it has got food value and can be
     digested easily.
4. The food that we eat on a regular basis forms our diet.
5. We should drink one to two litres of water everyday.
6. Eating too much or too little of any nutrient can cause diseases.

C. Answer the following questions.
1. Why do we need food?
2. What are nutrients?
3. What are carbohydrates? Name some sources of fat.
4. Why do growing children require more proteins? Name some protein-rich food.
5. Why do we need fats? Name some sourcesof fats.
6. What are vitamins and minerals?
7. Why do we need roughage? Name some food rich in roughage.
8. What is a balanced diet?
9. What are bodybuilding foods?
10. Why should we eat required amount of carbohydrates?
11. Why should growing children have milk?
12. How much water does make up for our body weight?
13. Name some food items that contain water.
14. Write the methods of preserving food so that it does not get spoilt easily and can be consumed later.
      Give examples

D. Fill in the blanks.
1. The process by which living beings obtain and utilize food for their growth and development
    is called ______________________.
2. People like ______________________ and  ______________________ do a lot of physical
   work and therefore, require more carbohydrates.
3.  ______________________ are also called bodybuilding foods.
4. Our body stores extra  ______________________ for future use.
5. Green leafy vegetables are a rich source of  ______________________.

E. Tick the correct answer.
1. Food items rich in vitamins and minerals are
    (a) fresh fruit    (b) dry fruit     (c) butter and oil.
2. The nutrients which keep our body warm are
    (a) carbohydrates    (b) proteins    (c) fats.
3. Bread, wheat and potato are rich in
    (a) fats   (b) carbohydrates    (c) roughage
4. Calcium, iron, potassium and iodine are some of the
    (a) minerals    (b) vitamins    (c) proteins
5. The other name for bodybuilding food is
    (a) roughage    (b) mineral    (c) protein
6. The food that we eat on a regular basis forms our 
    (a) balanced diet   (b) diet    (c) nutrition
7. We get energy to work from
    (a) fats   (b) proteins    (c) minerals    (d) carbohydrates
8. Brown rice, oatmeal and fruit are rich in
    (a) fats   (b) roughage    (c) minerals    (d) protein

F. Complete the web chart

G. Find seven words related to this chapter in the given grid. The words may read forward,
    backward and across.

H. Answer in one word or few words.
1. The common term for vitamins and minerals.
2. Found in spinach, meat and milk
3. Energy giving foods.
4. Thick layer of fat under the skin of some animals.
5. Minerals required by our body in small amounts.
6. Mineral that helps in the formation of our bones and teeth

I. Define
1. Nutrients

J. Write the sources of the vitamins given below.
1. Vitamin A
2. Vitamin B
3. Vitamin C
4. Vitamin D
5. Vitamin E
6. Vitamin K